Dear LIA family:
Receive a warm greeting it’s a joy to address you as we begin a new school year that I'm sure will be full of blessings for all especially our students.
I congratulate you for caring about the spiritual formation of your children, definitely all academic knowledge they can acquire throughout their lives will help more efficiently if they have a well formed character and spirit strengthened by God's love, "Love and do what you want", a church father whose legacy is the richest said. St. Augustine tells us to pay attention to the root of our actions, and more accurately to the fact that any effort that is not rooted in charity becomes meaningless.
I am blessed to coordinate this year the Department of Theology and for this mission I count with a great supervisor and a team of excellent teachers with whom we share the Catholic creed, who have knowledge about our church, doctrine and faith necessary to form the Christian identity of our students, but above all their qualities preach by example.
All members of our team share the conviction that we serve the Lord through our professional work and that students should keep their eyes on Jesus Christ and all their actions be a statement of a character that has high standards throughout his life. "He who does not live to serve, not serve to live" Santa Teresa of Calcutta
I give you the warmest welcome and please know that you are in our prayers. Also I invite you to participate in the spiritual events for which our department will be sending invitations. If you want to contact me can do so at 8711 1474 or write to georgina@lincoln.edu.ni
Georgina Martínez de Rivas
Theology Department Coordinator
Lincoln International Academy
Managua, Nicaragua
Mission & Faith
Lincoln International Academy of the Holy Family recognizes the importance of the Family as the first entitled educator therefore offers the perfect environment for families to strengthen ties, we celebrate a Christmas family show and dinner, Father’s day Mass, Mother’s day mass and breakfast.
As Catholic Institution we venerate our Lady all year long as we pray the angelus every day, during October praying the rosary and in May we receive the pilgrim image of our Lady of Fatima, a very special ceremony in which our 5th and 8th graders are promoted to Middle School and High School respectively.
This is an environment that offers the proper challenges for each stage of a child’s development to look for excellence guided by a well-structured catholic. The best interest of each and every student is guarded in every aspect, this means that to take care of their integral development as human beings is paramount and pursued by fulfilling physical needs through sports, intellectual needs through academic activities, social needs through various fun community activities and constantly aiming to meet spiritual needs through the testimony of adults and formal learning of the teachings of the catholic church.
Our Commitment
We live out our faith in a variety of ways across campus including:
•We receive the pilgrim image of our Lady of Fatima, a very special ceremony in which our 5th and 8th graders are promoted to Middle School and High School respectively.
•Coordinated with all the Catholic schools in the United States as a member of the NCEA (National Catholic Educational Association), once a year we celebrate being Catholic, this is a fun week!!! We go out to our parish to help with community needs, all school meets for a general mass, we have fun together in our “all school rally”, we express the gratitude to our teachers, we worship the Most Holy Sacrament, and we hold an art exposition dedicated to Virgin Mary. This is a remarkable week!
•As part of the education of their students LIA offers a faith-based service opportunity in which students can join clubs, service learning clubs, through which they get to understand the different problems and needs facing our community.
•LIA holds all-school Masses celebrating important days in the Catholic calendar. Students play a key role, singing with the choir, doing readings and acting as altar servers. In addition, we have mass everyday in the school chapel where grade levels rotate in order to attend at least once a month.
•We also pray the Angelus everyday as a school. All activities stop and we all stand and pray together.
Catholic faith study programs from kindergarten through eighth grade designed according to the standards of the Archdiocese of Orlando. Ninth through twelfth grade programs according to the curricular doctrinal framework for secondary schools of the United States Conference of Bishops.
To consolidate spiritual formation each class participates in an annual retreat / sharing day opportunity where students share through fun activities, reflect and live a very meaningful spiritual experience.